Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How Can I Help?

My posts always include useful information about posture. Today I wanted to do something a little different. For this I will need your help.

Why do I need your help.

I try to deliver useful and informative information. I think I'm delivering the information that you are looking for but it is difficult to know for sure.

So I thought I would ask.

What would you like to know about posture or posture exercises?

Just click below on the "Comments" link and leave me a message about what you would like to learn. I will do my best to answer it in my next post.

Thank you in advance for leaving a comment.

P.S. You don't need to register or login to be able to leave a comment. You can even be anonymous.


Anonymous said...

I spend way too much time sitting at my desk. I have noticed that my posture is getting worse. Is there anything I can do while I'm sitting to help my posture?

Anonymous said...

I was reading your posts and it hit me that I spend 6-8 hours a day sleeping. Can you give more information about sleeping position as it relates to posture?

Dave Delaney said...

Great topics. I will definitely add them to my future topics list. Any other topics?

Anonymous said...

How about in the car - driving - seats are all shaped differently and some are terrible.

Thanks for all the help!

Dave Delaney said...

Great suggestion about posture in the car. I will add it to the topics list.


Anonymous said...

How about the posture of walking, that is, the gait? Does that fall under posture too, or is it too dynamic?

I'd love to see some more info on proper gait.

Thanks for this valuable site. I look forward to watching its content grow.

Dave Delaney said...

Gait would be an interesting topic. Thanks for the suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, thankyou so much for simplfying the muscle testing and function book, it was looking so confusing when i got it, is it possible to put the abs and obliques training on you tube as this would be a great help as i listen and study your videos while on the move but for some reason cannot use the google one, thanks once again dave, i really mean it, u saved me alot time and gave me alot of knowledge, thanks

Dave Delaney said...

Hi Mikies,
Thanks for the kind words.

I've had a lot of trouble with the abs & oblique video for some reason.

I use to host it on YouTube and for some reason it got banned. That is why I put it on Google, unfortunately it is very consistent.

The best I can sugeest is keep trying.

Anonymous said...

Does posture correcting strap-on help to correct and maintain a good posture?

Would my body develop a need for the strap-on?

Anonymous said...

My 14yo daughter is a 32G! She really stoops badly. I am trying to find ways to help her with her posture other than constantly reminding her to pull her shoulder blades back. I read that a posture bra wouldn't solve the problem and could make muscles weaker. So thanks for posting the exercises. Any other hints or tips for extremely large busted but otherwise slim and trip young ladies would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I can't decide which bad posture I have got! Could you provide a detailed process to go through to conclude which posture problem people have. I am desperate to follow your guide - but until I determine which posture I have I cannot start! Really good website though, I must say :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, hey im still looking at the diffrence between sway back and hollow back, and am lookng to see which one is right as precribing excercises is important, is it possible you could give us some really good tips so i can 100 percent tell the diffrence please :)

Anonymous said...

Hello,first of all thank you for your help.I found out that i have kyphotic posture.I will start working out but i have problems with viewing the videos.There is a white area where the video should be.Can you at least give alternative link?
And my second problem is i don't know if i need to warm up before these exercises.How long and how many times a day should i take them?
Thanks in advance...

Anonymous said...

How about glute medius, internal oblique, and transverse abdominus strengthening.
Thanks so much for this site. It's the real deal. Not like most of the nonsense on the 'net that says nothing. It gave me some key points and I've seen good progress as a result.